2020 June

  • Being Friends is a Two-Way Street

    Being friends is a two-way street. We want care, concern, reassurance, love, and many other things from a good friend. But, we too must provide all that and more in return. Friends are there for each other. If that isn't the case, it isn't a friendship. Remember, BE everything you want in a friend.
  • True Friends Who Know Us Inside and Out

    Some friends just know...know when we're having a bad day, or need a good laugh. Maybe it's the sound of our voice, or the look in our eyes, but t...
  • Our Friends Who Become Our Family

    So true, and also so accurate to us all. We all have those certain people we turn to when we've had a bad day, want to have fun, or just need to t...
  • Friends Supporting One Another

    We all need a support system. Life is hard. That's a fact. Things can become difficult. But, friends make life just a little bit easier. Having a friend who supports you, loves you, wants the best for you, and will always be there for you is a gift. Friends push you to become the best version of yourself. Be grateful for your friends, they're grateful for you!
  • Letting Your Girlfriends Know You're There

    I have always had many friends. I grew up moving from place to place, sometimes multiple times in a year. I went to several elementary schools and was always the “new girl.” None of this ever stopped me from making friends. Unfortunately though, those girlfriendships didn’t last as long as I had wished because my mom packed us up and moved me often, sometimes 100 miles away. 


  • Pink® Jeep® Tour Awaits Your Trek

    Are you and your girls planning a getaway to the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Nashville, or Sedona? If so, you HAVE to check out one of the best ways to traverse the scenic land: a super fun, well equipped, safe Jeep. And I don’t know about you girls, but if I’m going on a jeep tour with my girlfriends, I want the jeep to be PINK. How fun!
  • Construct This Rhode Island Red Cocktail

    “Big things come in small packages!” The smallest state in the union is the namesake for this big-time tequila cocktail by cocktail master Vincenzo Marianella. He created this drink to honor the anniversary of Rhode Island’s Royal Charter of 1663. Call up your girlfriends and make a round of tasty Rhode Island Red cocktails to sip while you plan your next girls weekend on the East Coast.
  • Be Sure to Eat Lots of Fruits and Vegetables

    Up until I was 26, the only “vegetables” I ever ate were baked potatoes, corn on the cob, or  corn out of a can. My mom was a waitress and was always working, so didn’t spend much time in our kitchen. When Edna was in our kitchen, she was not concerned with nutrition.
  • Shake Up This Tennessee Gold Cocktail

    Who wouldn’t want a cocktail that’s as smooth as Tennessee whiskey?...says Chris Stapleton! Your girls will love this amazing cocktail made with southern whiskey and touches of honey. It goes down easy and warms the belly. Make this cocktail with your girls today and start planning your next girls weekend in Nashville!
  • Being on Time and Monday Mornings

    Monday. It’s a new day, a new week, chance to start over. Yeah, Friday nights are definitely high on my list, but my all time fave are Mondays, in particular the morning. I love the renewal. The reset. The recharge.
  • Prepare This Refreshing California Collins

    As a California native, everything about this cocktail screams, “my old stomping grounds!” Mixologist Ryan Fitzgerald created this drink for the 2009 San Francisco Slow Food Festival using only local ingredients
  • Where to Stay & What to Do in NOLA

    When you and your girlfriends are looking to get out of town for a little fun at any time of year (okay, except hurricane season), NOLA is your perfect destination. Home to some of the best cuisine in the United States, this foodie paradise will deliver on some of the best eats you’ve ever experienced. No need to worry about the extra calories, walking around the vibrant streets of the French quarter will have you and your crew in constant motion.